Bodysuit 23 #817

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  1. SageM says:

    The things lurking in the trees look a lot like the shadowy figures in Super Mario Galaxy.

    It will be interesting to see what happens next….unless we are going back to the demon summoning from earlier in the next chapter.

  2. Dr. Based says:

    The cat poncho has a tail!!

    1. They Who Abide says:

      And again, I move that the kitty cape become a full-time part of Doris’ wardrobe.

      1. You says:

        I think it will be used throughout the winter episode of the comic.

  3. Frith Ra says:

    They’ll meet … Kevin’s girlfriend, home for a holiday?
    … That monster truck, again?
    … A drunk prairie dog with a vendetta for treasure hunters?
    … Something completely different?

    1. Fabian says:

      Or maybe the stampede from "Kat". They switched to the other story, that is why they no longer appear over there.

  4. alessandra_gurl says:

    Yes, Doris. You are just missing the Magitek armor. cue Nobuo Uematsu awesomeness

  5. You says:

    Is this a pack of wolves? Is this a horde of Zombies? No, it’s just Texans surprised by winter trying to make their way through the snow-covered forest.

  6. purplepanda says:

    I read that in the voice of the Pokemon narrator

    1. Patricia Barton says:

      I tried to make it sound exactly like a "to be continued" narration from Pokemon Sun and Moon, copying the font and everything, so I’m glad it worked.

  7. Matthew says:

    The spooky figures in the tree clearings only cause two words to ring through my mind. SNOWBALL FIGHT!!!
    Granted, I’m not exactly sure there is enough snow to make snowballs but, desperate, apocalyptic times call for desperate, apocalyptic measures…

  8. DaNic says:

    Oh, no! Did they just wander into the forbidden forest? 😅

  9. Rangoon12 says:

    Next time! On Dragon Ball Z!