Bodysuit 23 #703

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  1. Weredraco says:

    Yup. Love him.

  2. Lazy Daisy says:

    oh, the humanity(s)!

  3. Marg says:

    Ice cream storage = 0°F
    Ice cream serving temp = 6°F
    Humanities degree = 98.6°F

  4. kass says:

    yup we need more of him becoming a psycologue or something

  5. Caleb says:

    I knew this was gonna happen, and I already love it 🙂

  6. ReasonableWeeb says:

    Love this show. Absolutely love it.

    1. ItsTato says:

      same. whoever is only in for the nsfw part is missing out, this is so damn funny. more of a comedy if I do say so myself. (Which is very nice!!)

  7. Core1948 says:

    Bring him back at some point

    1. ItsTato says:

      fr fr

    2. kass says:

      agreed agreed

    3. Lazy Daisy says:

      here here!

  8. kirbster says:

    his happy little smile got me