Cooper Presents: A Miranda Side Story #5

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  1. Sunesnak says:

    Why she undressing herself?

    1. ReasonableWeeb says:

      Business guy must not be 100% convinced that the suit is a nearly identical copy so he’s asking for a closer inspection. Or maybe he’s just a massive perv.

      1. liquidcadmium says:

        When science is involved, always expect both! You’ll never be disappointed.

        …you have to admit it’s on the same general level of unprofessionalism as your big expensive business meeting science project presentation being a nude version of yourself, though.

        So, really, didn’t we ALL just walk right into this one? D’oh! :3

  2. Marg says:

    The things one has to do for Science,eh?

    [Cue the music by Thomas Dolby.}

  3. Suu says:

    She’s the control. The wearer is the experiment…. I think

  4. commandonx says:

    She’s showing them the difference… the main difference – the zipper.

  5. Witchling says:

    Well this is…surprisingly uncomfortable…

  6. kokodin says:

    and then
    when she undress
    there is another zipper

    and the real miranda waltz in laughing while those guys uncover gigantic black man emerging from assumed miranda stand in

    1. 123 says:

      And then it is revealed that Miranda is actually one of the investor by taking the investor body suit of (the peuple at the table are investor right?)

  7. 123 says:

    As long as it is for « science purpse » it should be good

  8. Caleb says:

    I’m dubbing the brown Suit guy Barry, he’s getting a show he wasn’t expecting to see

  9. DaNic says:

    "Ok, and now he looks exactly like me."

    Guys at the table: "Proove it!"

    Miranda: "…"

  10. zhereg says:

    el gato