Bodysuit 23 #464

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  1. He Who Abides says:

    I suspect that "Office of Censorship" is not the official title of Greg’s department. Just a hunch.

    1. Forever-second says:

      You’re probably right, it might be the Office of ███████████

      1. Marg says:

        But that would mean ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
        █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████, wouldn’t it?

        1. Patricia Barton says:

          Man, why are you spoiling everything?

          1. Marg says:

            If I’ve spoilt anything, I most sincerely apologize.

        2. ReasonableWeeb says:

          It’s off the page… did you manage that?

  2. Marg says:

    As Jade Franklin wields enough power to bury the information about Dr. Hayes, Mad-cat (and Owen) could find that mystery is one verrrry dangerous itch to scratch. (Or canker sore to prod, as the case may be.) This should be fun!

  3. ReasonableWeeb says:

    Madison is doing some offshoot porn or something. Those poses in the catsuit are not natural. She’s pulling those off on purpose.
    Nobody in their right mind would sit as seductively as she is normally. (I know they’re siblings but still, ignoring that fact and just looking at her poses regardless of relationship or intention she could just be doing it subconsciously.)

    Previous pages: 461 last panel, upturned cat pose with her entire body facing upwards towards Owen.
    Page 462, panels 1, 2, and 3: Legs crossed on the edge of the table, pulled back sweater to reveal upper midsection, dainty foot position with her head in her hands laying flat on her stomach.
    Page 463 panel 1, ASS.
    And last BUTT not least, page 464 (this one) panel 3, raised left leg for absolutely no reason.

    The fact there’s no voice acting means that we can’t completely tell if she’s trying to be sexy or not or if she’s just teasing Owen like a sister would. My brother bothers me about stuff he can do but I can’t from time to time just to mess with me, so Madison could be flaunting her catsuit because she wants Owen to be jealous, but Mr. Redacted Files is too busy digging into a mystery that could CHANGE HUMANITY AS WE KNOW IT!

    1. ReasonableWeeb says:

      Despite what might be worded above, I’m not insinuating that Madison wants to woohoo her brother, I’m mainly stating the obvious fact of her unnatural amount of sexy posing while wearing a skin tight suit. But this is meant to be a fetish comic so. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

      1. He Who Abides says:

        Where was it established that Madison and Owen are siblings? I’ve only ever seen them be referred to as coworkers (Owen) or best friends (Madison).

        1. UnreasonableWeeb says:

          Oh, I thought they were related. Well then, ship away.

    2. Patricia Barton says:

      They’re not related.

    3. OreoWolf says:

      Strip 312, they are not siblings, they are just friends.

  4. Weredraco says:

    Hmm, if Madison finds out the truth and keeps it from Owen… would she blackmail Miranda into making a bodysuit for her?

    She did describe the catsuit as "It’s warm and cozy. Like a nice glove for my entire body."…..

    … ok, now I’m imagining Madison in a real "cat"-suit, with posable ears and tail….