Bodysuit 23 #818

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  1. SageM says:

    Oh the irony. Driving an "Ice Cream" truck through a blizzard/white-out….

    Now I really want to see the other characters reactions to this revelation.

  2. LESpangle says:

    Now where the heck did they get an ice cream van?

  3. Frith Ra says:

    Of course an ice cream truck can navigate the snowpocolypse that is Texas in winter. Like seeks out like, and all that. I’ll bet that the other two are inside not eating ice cream.

  4. Marg says:

    Whaddaya know? It appears to be the Evil Ice Cream Vendor’s truck from waaaaaay back in "Into the Wilderness" (#699ff.). That’s the old boy’s face on the side, fer shure. But is it "Chekov’s gun" or just a big ol’ scoop of serendipity (with whipped cream, sprinkles, and crushed walnuts)? 😁

    1. Weredraco says:

      Can you imagine if he got out and started up this business, and maybe overhear Doris or Jesse name-drop Maddison’s name. Oh boy if he does and puts 2 and 2 together….

      1. MagentaFace says:

        “..overhear Doris or Jesse” – You do realise Miranda can namedrop her aswell? Feels like Kevin/Doris is always treated as if they’re the one to always stir up a problem

  5. miseris says:

    so that snow is his doing, huh…

  6. Hikaro says:

    My brain decided to read the title as "Furry Road".

    1. Core1948 says:

      Same at first look

  7. Diana says:

    Oh I get it, it’s like that one movie, Agitated Anthony: Raging Path

    1. Samuel says:

      No no, what was it again… Frustrated Fred Agrivated Avenue?

      1. TPSmith says:

        Nah, I think you’re thinking of Absurd Axel: Streets of Rage

  8. Gail Neiman says:

    Witness meeeee!!!