Bodysuit 23 #806

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  1. Frith Ra says:

    Lemme guess. The driver doesn’t know how to drive on ice? The window is coated with a 1/4 inch of sleet? Or our heroes are entirely invisible to anyone more than two feet off the ground?

  2. Cybertramon001 says:

    I am now certain that as soon as they get to Miranda’s house, the power is going to go out.
    It’s just that sort of feeling, given her luck today.

  3. Name says:

    Tbh given how the driver’s driving on a weather like this I say they kinda dodged a bullet there lol

  4. Tom says:

    I bet, Miranda now wishes to have the Poncho…

  5. Chessrook44 says:

    Considering the bus appears to be approaching them going straight, passes by them going backwards (or sideways?), and hits the tree going straight, I think the bus did a complete 360 spin.

    1. Mithril Mercenary says:

      You noticed that too?

  6. Arwia says:

    You might as well set this comic in the UK at this point…

  7. Dr. Based says:

    Miranda 100% should have accepted the 2nd Neko poncho!

    1. kokodin says:

      i been thinking that ever since they opened the door outside
      her apartment may no longer exist anyway

    2. DaNic says:

      Yup, I keep saying she should have taken that cape!

  8. kokodin says:

    meenwhile on the bus, owen fighting evil guy who is trying to cause an ice age

    1. Weredraco says:

      Not the nice Evil ice cream Scientist again!!!

      1. Tom says:

        His arc enemy, like Skeletor to He-Man, Joker to Batman or The Lobe to Freakazoid…

        1. Marg says:

          Ernst von Snowblowerfeld?

  9. Marg says:

    Mayhap that wasn’t an early bus, but was the bus that otherwise would have been running late if it had been able to stop anywhere else along its route? Makes a body feel sorry for anyone who DIDN’T miss the bus this particular morning, eh?

    And it looks like our dauntless(?) duo will have to carry on "walking in a Winter wonderland." After all, even if Miranda wanted to chuck it and go back to Doris’ apartment, there’s the small matter of trying to get back up that hill again. 😁

    1. Morning Wonder says:

      That, or this bus should have been there an hour ago 😆

  10. Nariko says:

    Haha it s nice seing not only doris be misfortune hehe

  11. mattihase says:

    oh hey, the busses in my area do this too.

    on regular non-snowy days

    when they could easily cram more people into them

    Gotta love Deutsche Bahn.

  12. Bill says:

    yoooo its the face