Bodysuit 23 #695

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  1. Caleb says:

    Retro attractive! My heart can’t take such beauty! 😵

  2. Possible_Protagonist says:

    y’see, hair length is an interesting thing, since it’s determined by the cycles your hair goes through and the length will only get so long and no longer. as most hair on your head has roughly the same cycle length. this would either mean Kevin naturally could grow hair this long (i know it’s not cannon, just postulating) or the suit did a lot more to him in these (again non-cannon) images than was first implied

  3. Marg says:

    Look on the bright side, Kev. Elaine is going to love designing for you.

  4. Akeno says:

    A glorious cutie indeed.

    I fear this is the final panel however.

  5. Mithril Mercenary says:

    She looks so cute!

  6. GGiG says:

    … Kevin doesn’t look that happy. I don’t think this is the ideal outcome for someone as genderfluid as they are.

    1. Foshizzel says:

      Just a dude who likes to cross-play and got a little more than he asked for. When will people stop trying to change the meaning behind Mega’s comic?

      1. Architect Ironturtle says:

        When it stops attracting trans people, hatched and unhatched, as a primary demographic. The projection is strong in this following, and Kevin has enough flags that he could easily be written as trans if Mega ever felt like it.

        1. Foshizzel says:

          I get that, but he’s stated several times thats not how it is, and thats something the story is headed towards. Kevin, like some, just likes to escape in the idea of being someone else, and it’s very obvious in this panel he doesn’t like the outcome so many readers thirst for.

          1. Foshizzel says:

            something the story isn’t headed towards

          2. Witchling says:

            People can and will always read into a story what they want to see.

            So long as they don’t get butthurt when Mega inevitably writes the story he wants to, they’re free to do so.
            This is like, the entire basis of fanfiction. If they want to see a trans Kevin, it would not be hard to write that.

            One cannot deny that there’s a loooot of elements in this story that are attractive to transfolk, and LGBT people in general have been trained to take what they can get, projecting onto stuff that kinda fits, even if textually it doesn’t.

  7. DaNic says:

    Damn, Kev looking super cute like that!
    I think that (in this alternate sidebranching story…) this would be after Elaine returned and made all kind of super cool outfits for him(her) and he has to model them all.

    1. John Chap says:

      Before that though, he has a lot to explain though..

  8. kokodin says:

    i know why he look so concerned
    because it is KEVIN, a master of runing away in the wrong direction
    he is not concerned about how he looks, or what just happened in his mind it all can be turned back by miranda or someone
    he more concerned about how to name his 3rd personality and if he can pass as kevin in a suit if he put it back on so nobody noticed he changed, so he can continue his life
    he probably doesn’t want for anyone who sees him now to know it’s him, but he needs an idemntity for that persona to not get deported to who knows where 😛

  9. SageM says:

    Look on the bright side Kevin, now you can wear all of Miranda’s outfits without needing to put on the bodysuit every time.

    1. kokodin says:

      i don’t think so, the boobs are smaller the butt bigger, he probably a bit taller too
      i mean he can try but i don’t think those clothes would fit as well as on the bodysuit

  10. TPSmith says:

    Cuuuute! ^_^

  11. Witchling says:

    All in all, this is a VERY cute design, and I’m more than a little jealous of Kevin right now.

  12. Fuse Breakr says:

    That’s adorable ^w^

  13. Kitty_Forest says:

    thats adorable

  14. LynnTheFlareon says:

    Aww so cute, I love the 80’s aesthetic