Magical Knight Lune XY Back Up on Honeyfeed!

Magical Knight Lune XY is back up on Honeyfeed, with various revisions and massive edits throughout chapters 1-6! If you already read it then I highly suggest going back and rereading it again as not to be confused by events that might occur later in the story that reflects back to changes/additions to the story.

Thanks for your patience as I took it down for a week to fix things, and I hope you enjoy this newer version and continue to support Magical Knight Lune, Jack, and everyone else!

Become a Patron today to get early access to new pages, high res art, roughs, and more!

  1. Fuse Breakr says:

    Nice, hope to see much more!!

  2. Weredraco says:

    Good luck with your edits and churning this out.

    When it’s done, just take a 2 week break from everything, including Bodysuit23. You’ll need the break, otherwise you’ll be too burnt out to continue at your usual fantastic quality you give us.

  3. Emily says:

    A drink for the intellects and the chosen ones 😉

    1. Emily says:

      Wrong page, oops