Magical Knight Lune XY is back up on Honeyfeed, with various revisions and massive edits throughout chapters 1-6! If you already read it then I highly suggest going back and rereading it again as not to be confused by events that might occur later in the story that reflects back to changes/additions to the story.
Thanks for your patience as I took it down for a week to fix things, and I hope you enjoy this newer version and continue to support Magical Knight Lune, Jack, and everyone else!
Nice, hope to see much more!!
Good luck with your edits and churning this out.
When it’s done, just take a 2 week break from everything, including Bodysuit23. You’ll need the break, otherwise you’ll be too burnt out to continue at your usual fantastic quality you give us.
A drink for the intellects and the chosen ones 😉
Wrong page, oops