Bodysuit 23 #547

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  1. aaaaa says:

    I fully expect an Angela bodysuit entering the real story once it’s just Kevin learning from Angela on how to be literally normal.
    "Put this on, here’s my clothes, now go shopping."

  2. RaYaN says:

    So she/he is going to wear bodysuit on bodysuit?

    1. Larry says:


  3. Chessrook44 says:

    Wait, is this a non-canon Halloween thing?

    1. ReasonableWeeb says:

      The story was not marked with a "Chapter Number" and therefore is not canon.
      Plus Mega often says beforehand if stuff is going to be canon or not based off of title.

  4. Larry says:

    One question is this canon or non-canon, that is the question?

    Assuming that this is canon, I see several possibilities here.
    1. It just a mast of Madison face and body suit.
    2. I actually is another body suit of Madison and are there consequences of putting another body suit over another body suit? Don’t know.
    3. Madison was turned into a body suit by some evil genius other than Miranda and Miranda is trying to fix the problem and in steps Kevin/Doris and well, you know what happens.

    1. E says:

      It’s non-canon.

    2. ReasonableWeeb says:

      In case you’re new here, Mega does little random stories in between Chapters. As much as the last page it was said this was going to be some Halloween themed story. And the Chapter before it ended just recently, so this is a random little story. I think the majority of them have been seasonal with a few random ones here and there. There’s also a marked "END" at the end of each chapter on the last page of said chapter, in the last panel. Usually in the bottom right corner of the page.

  5. Springfoxman says:

    "Kevin, you genius!" Famous last words. More like Kevin you moron. He’s gonna get caught and Owen gonna be either pissed off or somethin

  6. Dishymage says:

    Do you know what will happen if you wear two suits? The result may be permanent or very hard to reverse

  7. ReasonableWeeb says:

    If I know anything about this comic and its characters is that nothing good can ever come out of the words
    ‘Kevin’ and ‘Genius’ being put next to each other.

    1. Core1948 says:

      The only way for those words to be used is, “kevin is NOT a genius”.

      1. ReasonableWeeb says:


  8. Pollandballer says:

    Nothing could possibly go wrong!

  9. RapidRush says:

    god dammit kevin… why must you be so STUPID

  10. Diana says:

    Dammit Kev how do you even-

  11. DaNic says:

    Halloween party invitation, Kevin home alone and unattended and a brand new Madison bodysuit just happens to be lying around out in the open..?
    Miranda is not stupid. I say she did that on purpose knowing Kevin would put it on…