Bodysuit 23 #503

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  1. ReasonableWeeb says:

    At least Kevin has his priorities in order and he’s not worried about losing Doris as his persona first. At least the fear of death is at the top of his ToDo list.

    1. BM says:

      Even Kevin has some degree of common sense.

      1. Kevin McDoris says:

        Have you been following the previous 500 episodes?!? 🤣😂

        1. mattihase says:

          Yep, first thing from my mind "Wow, that’s uncharacteristically insightful for you Kevin". You know, maybe getting yelled at by Angela and Miranda is having a positive effect on him.

  2. Elsie Levine says:

    That "Oh" is still hiding a lot of disappointment

    1. ReasonableWeeb says:

      Still. At least he asked her if he would be murdered first instead of saying "so I can’t be Doris anymore?"
      That would’ve caused her to go through the roof. Also, there’s a reply button on the right of a posted comment. That way you can keep the chain going instead of making a new chain entirely. Hover the mouse over the far right of a comment box area and you should see 3 icons appear. The arrow is a reply button.

  3. firecat32 says:

    I’m curious as to what could happen, I know that their are ways for this to be fixed with Angela being drunk and forgetting/misinterpreting what going on, but i kind of want to see some changes happen, have Kevin talk to Angela and maybe even Elaine and see what happens, if they accept, with their dynamics change, or see more into how Kevin sees themselves and their views of the body suit and their identity, just think if there was a time to shake up the status quo, it would be now.

  4. Sprocket says:

    I love your comic and your drawings are amazing!
    Just a question, where did you learn to draw?

    1. Patricia Barton says:

      A combination of decades of fucking around, some classes in community college, and Cooper.

  5. Ivan says:

    1)Angela is going to ask for a bodysuit of her own.
    2)They gonna brainwash her/erase her memory.
    3)She will try to tell someone, but nobody will believe her.
    4)She just accepts it, because she’s a lesbian and make actually like Doris.

    1. Astolfo says:

      I suspect that Angela is Tsun for Kevin and Dere for Doris. And now those have been put together, so…

      1. Core1948 says:

        R.I.P. dreams

        1. Anakin Skywalker says:

          By minor complication, he means big explosion.

      2. Ivan says:

        I agree about Angela’s tsundere sentiments. I wonder how Doris is gonna deal with her and Owen. TBH I shipped Doris and Owen from the very first issue, but the circumstances are getting complicated now.

      3. paradoxicalWitchling says:

        Whaaaat? I always got the feeling that Angela lowkey resented Kevin for being kind of a shitty friend to Elaine(from her perspective.)

    2. asdf says:

      5) Vanish her and replace her with an agent wearing a suit that looks like her. :p

    3. AlTaco808 says:

      not even close to all the options at author’s disposal 😛