Bodysuit 23 #490

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  1. SageM says:

    Lol, the final panel is the best.

    Shes got Mina’s personality traits down pat. ^^;;

    Though Doris’s height seems to be inconsistent between the first couple of panels.

    1. ReasonableWeeb says:

      That’s Kevin, not Doris. It’s been said multiple times he’s not wearing the mask as it would change his voice. His voice was normal when he first showed up in the Mina cosplay a few pages back. He might be wearing the boob part of the suit, but apart from that he’s not fully changed. (He can’t fully change without the addition of the mask, so right now he’s still got his normal voice and man junk. Correct me if I’m wrong Mega.)

      1. Latios says:

        Considering what we’ve seen, the suit is only 2 parts. So he’s wearing the suit from the neck down. So while he’s using the suit to give him a female shape for his cosplay, he’s not actually transformed under all of the suit without the mask.

      2. Harrysayshey says:

        why are we arguing about an alter-ego that is literally the same person just in a different costume. In all aspects, Doris is Kevin and I think after this chapter, they’re going to drop the whole Doris thing anyway

  2. ReasonableWeeb says:

    You can’t hide in there forever Angela! I’ll get in that room one way or another, even if I have to turn the door into dust!
    MUDA x20
    (door is still in one piece)

    Very well, you win this round. Ow.

  3. OreoSilver says:

    Keven is going to get himself killed for this

  4. Vivi says:

    looks like someone left a note on the back of the main door

    1. Amethyst says:

      If you were leaving someone a note the back of the door is not where you’d put it. That’s probably just the usual sign that’s on most hotel room doors. Lists the room rates, where the fire exits are, etc.

  5. paradoxicalWitchling says:

    Kevin: Omae wa mou shindeiru. door shatters
    Angela: NANI!?

  6. The one guy says:


  7. Ykmlg . says:

    Heavy weapons guy intensifies