Bodysuit 23 #456

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  1. SageM says:

    Well thats proof enough about the Bodysuit.

    I guess Angela still doesn’t care to much about Kevin. So he really is better off spending all his time as Doris instead, at least that way Angela is actually nice to her.

    Maybe next time we can see Kevin dressed up as Momo, or perhaps he can convince Miranda to join in on the fun!

    I can just see Miranda going as Mei Hatsume….

  2. ThatNerdWinter says:

    So he’s wearing the body but not the face is what I’m guessing

  3. Architect Ironturtle says:

    I am totally loving this arc right now, because the only thing better than a tg bodysuit is a tg bodysuit mixed with cosplay, especially when it involves being exotic colors. Mina cosplay is best cosplay, but as someone who cosplays her I might be somewhat biased.

  4. Boogiepop says:

    I foresee a future plot point where Angela attempts to hook up with Doris. I look forward to the awkardness.

    1. SageM says:

      The look on Angela and Kevin/Doris’ faces would be absolutely priceless in that scenario…

  5. ReasonableWeeb says:

    Someone in this world, some god amongst men, needs to do a voice dub of this entire series from the first panels all the way to 500 (Until the eventual 501-1000 get made depending on how long this series continues.)

    At this point there’s enough material here to make a god damn TV show out of this and I feel like having it dubbed would just make this 100x more hilarious. Worst part of it is, most of us reading this either do it in our own personal voice or make a completely random one out of thin air that we can’t even explain. So it should be interesting to see what the dubber decides on as a voice for the characters in this wacky series.

    Honestly, if I knew for a fact this was going to get a dub series on some extra website (not youtube because this is 100% not youtube friendly at times) then I would 110% donate to it to see this thing get rolling. Who else thinks this would be good as a dub? Or do you think it’d be better as just a comic? Lemme know.

    1. Shylock says:

      MegaZone – how much Patreonage would you need before you could make this a 5-pages a week comic instead of two?

      Name your price, and we’ll give you your pound of flesh.

      1. Patricia Barton says:

        Serious answer: $6000 a month.

        1. Shylock says:

          Come on people. WE CAN DO THIS!

  6. kokodin says:

    it is actually quite funny that the zipper he hates can someday save his ass (not dignity but oh well)

  7. Marg says:

    Oh, yes! Angela is feeling very puzzled–and perhaps a little bit conflicted as well? Those legs definitely got her. (And to think, their weekend is just getting started…hee-hee-hee…)

    And Happy Hallowe’en, all!

  8. Ivan says:

    Boy, do I hate Angela

    1. He Who Abides says:


      1. Ivan says:

        Why? You’re seriously asking me why I dislike this ever-grim, obnoxious, misandristic, rude, foul-mouthed, violence-prone, alcoholic shrew? Seriously?

        1. Dat One Piggy says:

          But why though, look at her cute blushing face in panel 5 :3

        2. He Who Abides says:

          I asked because I don’t know you, and you put no hints in your original post. Seriously.

          And for the record, I suspect that we’ll learn more about why she acts the way she does later in the series.

  9. Terri says:

    Kevin. Sweety. Never tell a girl you’d like her more if she smiles more. lol

  10. guest says:

    Do you guys have an RSS feed? It’d be pretty sweet if you did.

  11. Minanai says:

    Wait a minute… That blue person in the background… Cirno from Touhou?!