MZone and (no) Cooper

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  1. Jules Zeppeli says:

    when in doubt, go to the one thing you know will never fail,


  2. CD Rudd says:


  3. Hi says:

    Gotta admit,that would’ve actually been a nice thing to try.HEY MEGAZONE try doing a whole chapter without cooper as like a side chapter that is completely unrelated to the plot!

  4. teeeack says:

    why is it he and not she?

      1. Rella Wing says:

        You’re a guy but why draw yourself as a girl? Is that an anachronism on purpose, or maybe you really want the bodysuit? 😀 Saying, oh I’m a guy! You present as a girl… that’s one of those gender neutral things! At the very least, maybe that’s the case! Not that I like labeling anyone! :3

        1. Patricia Barton says:

          As the comic I linked to showed, it started as a gag about having a cute girl for an avatar would result in getting more money. And as life imitates art, the moment I changed my avatar to a girl my patreon subs went up significantly, so it stayed.

          1. Dawn says:

    1. Hemlokh says:

      So uh, turns out she’s been a woman all along y’all. Trans moments really out here proven her past self wrong (textmoji>) oHo

  5. Rella Wing says:

    On another note, OMK I need to learn when to make a line thicker and taper down to a smaller line! If I could learn that maybe my art would look better!