Bodysuit 23 #810

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  1. ReasonableWeeb says:

    Jesse: Oh I’m sure he’s off somewhere-


    Jesse: -coping.

    1. ReasonableWeeb says:

      Man I wish we could edit our own messages. Last minute thought:

      Apparently the reason Texas goes so batshit crazy during a snow fall is because it’s a sign that Satan is being summoned to the planet. Good to know. Though if you ask me the Devil’s been on Earth for quite a while now, acting like a puppet master from behind the scenes as they orchestrate the downfall of the planet by making them turn against one another for absolutely no reason.

      1. Fabian says:

        Basically the latest Doctor Who episode.

        1. He Who Abides says:

          Except no dance routine.


  2. HK416A5 says:

    Sergeant B. J. Blazkowicz? Yeah, neutralizing ██████ is in his bloodline

  3. Frith Ra says:

    Thank God someone’s in the office to take care of these little emergencies. Should have this one straightened up in next to no time.

    What do you mean by Kaiju?

  4. Mysterii says:

    So a Cyberdemon?

    1. SageM says:

      If Owen trying to contact Blazkowicz, then its clearly not a cyberdemon. Its More likely its the Devil from the final level of Wolfenstein: The Spear of Destiny.

      1. Hikaro says:

        In Wolfenstein RPG on mobile, BJ fought the thing that eventually became the Cyberdemon. Blew off its arm and leg and it swore revenge on his bloodline.

      2. Kommi says:

        Turns out it’s the same family. So it’s entirely possible it’s the doomguy, B. J. Blazkowicz III.

        1. RedMage says:

          Yep; according to John Romero and Tom Hall, B.J. Blazkowicz, the protagonist of Wolfenstein 3D, is the grandfather of Billy Blaze, the protagonist of Commander Keen, who in turn is the grandfather of the Doomguy. Based on timeline, I’d suspect it would be Billy’s father being called in, because Doomguy very much isn’t born yet, Billy has a different surname, and B.J. has GOT to be retired by now.

          Also of note is that Owen is calling a code E4M7, and Spear of Destiny wasn’t divided into episodes like Wolf3D and DOOM are, so it’s more likely a reference to DOOM, as one would first suspect.

          1. Mysterii says:

            It IS a Doom reference. E4M7 is "And Hell Followed", one of the maps in Ultimate Doom, which has a Cyberdemon in the Ultra Violence and Nightmare difficulties.

          2. ijuinkun says:

            Since Billy was eight years old in 1990, that would make him about 40 now.

  5. kass says:

    owen casually wroking for the SCP or an other anormal work office

  6. Weredraco says:

    Last scene is reminding me of the fight against the Vault Monster "The Destroyer" from the end of the first Borderlands game, in terms of the stage.

  7. DaNic says:

    That last panel instantly reminded me of the end of "Cabin in the woods" with the demon awakening.

    But I guess it’s just regualr CIA stuff they at the office all the time…

    1. SageM says:

      The so-called demon that appears in Cabin in the Woods isn’t actually a demon at all. Their actually a metaphorical representation of the Audience/the viewers of horror films. This has been confirmed by the directors.

      The only actual monsters/demons that appear in Cabin in the Woods are the ones released by the Organization.

    2. SageM says:

      The entire Cabin in the Woods film was basically an attempt at making the most Archetypal tv trope horror movie they possibly could. Every single scene in it was just one Trope after another.

    3. DaNic says:

      Jup! Still, that’s what I thought of… 😅

  8. Marg says:

    "Have you tried turning it off and then back on?" =8D

  9. Ilikepie says:

    Blazkowicz is too busy fighting nazis though.

  10. Mr Shades says:

    "Owen…The Man, The Myth, The Secret Agent Man!"