Bodysuit 23 #847

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  1. Bmasterad says:

    She never got her Burger King…. ;-;

  2. Frith Ra says:

    Well, after a year long winter, s/he should be a bit peckish by now. And if the liquor store is closed, then the Whattaburger is probably closed, too.

  3. LESpangle says:

    Ah, I see Doris has embraced cat-hood

  4. I'm a cat, meow :3 says:

    she’s a real cat (source am cat)

  5. Weredraco says:

    Yeah, I can’t function without breakfast, a 10 o’clock snack, lunch, or dinner. Sometimes with more snacks.

    And yet I’m the skinniest person I’ve met.

    1. Ed Brault says:

      Breakfast, second breakfast, elevens, luncheon, dinner, afternoon tea, supper…

  6. kass says:

    what’s kevin bitching about ? did he eat something before going ?

  7. mattihase says:

    I guess it’s time to start carving each other up for sustainence.
    I vote Jesse, he looks like he has the most meat on the bone.

  8. Dollar Store George Droyd says:

    Looks like the weakest ones getting eaten.

  9. Trashpandaghost says:

    Poor poor doris. Honestly kinda surprised the suit doesn’t suppress hunger at least a little but though.

  10. Riddleking?_? says:

    You can’t dungeon crawl on an empty stomach. 😛

  11. MrShades says:

    The Suit is probably tapping into Kevin’s Metabolism…

  12. ForeverSecond says:

    Miranda is the last person I would want to hear criticize costume armor for its protective purposes, at this point.