Bodysuit 23 #804

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  1. I before A except after K says:

    Miranda, it’s Texas. You’re lucky the city even has a public transit app.

  2. alessandra_gurl says:

    I’ve never seen this level of destruction in winter. Our power grid, however…

  3. SpartanChief17 says:

    I’m glad I live in Arkansas and not Texas 😂

  4. Marg says:

    May not have been much snow, but must’ve been one helluva windstorm as it came through!

  5. Mithril Mercenary says:

    Pretty sure she’s rethinking that gun by now.

    1. Samantha says:

      They aren’t too far from the apartment, you know.

  6. Weredraco says:

    Love the two snowmen in the second panel.

  7. ChieriBounce says:

    I get the feeling that the most unrealistic part of this strip is Texas having public transit

  8. DaNic says:

    Miranda really should have brought that second poncho. Could have hidden a big gun under there…

  9. kokodin says:

    the dialoge should be
    do tou still don’t want the kitty cape?

    … ok givit here
    (adapts to the madness)

  10. H says:

    the hell is owen in all this?

  11. Foxxo says:

    Wait… It’s already end? I read whole 800 pages in under half day?
    What I gonna do now? QwQ

  12. Bthillman says:

    She has the super suit and the secret identity costume, and by adding a little amp-up of the suit’s power she could become Texas’s first superhero. helping all those poor stranded motorists trapped in their vehicles. Kitty Girl?