Bodysuit 23 #742

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  1. Guest says:

    Accidental bunt home run coming up! With that suit’s power boost it can’t help but shut the two up.

  2. Frith Ra says:

    They aren’t going to leave body parts laying around when they’re done, are they?

    My bets are on a solid hit, and a high fly to the centerfield bleachers.

    1. He Who Abides says:

      Body parts? No. Clothes, almost definitely, but not body parts.

  3. jimmy d banthrall says:

    woosh missed again

  4. Weredraco says:

    Ah, good, now no one will know how strong Doris really is.

  5. YoRha42 says:

    Bodysuit superpower is a go!

  6. Marg says:

    Time to show what you can do with those balls, Doris. (Waitaminnit, that doesn’t sound right…) LOL

  7. Diana says:

    Can’t wait to see Doris in the pro leagues

  8. Guest says:

    Top 5 photos taken moments before disaster:

  9. DaNic says:

    Having friends like that makes Angla so much more relatable!