Bodysuit 23 #465

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  1. :^) says:

    That’s some employee of the month material right there.

    1. W says:

      At least it’s obvious from the caved-in drawer which one she dumped them in.

  2. SageM says:

    I love how Madison’s expression never changes despite the fact she just made things worse.

    I’m starting to wonder if she is actually capable of doing her job, or if she just got in on a technicality….

  3. ReasonableWeeb says:

    Madison:……I don’t give a feuack! (chaos noises)

    1. Jevil says:

      Did somebody say Chaos?

    2. Sylvrwolflol (not Alucard) says:

      “She said (and pardon my French), ‘Fuck the police’, then proceeded to walk down the hall and tilt every painting along the way.”
      (Oh god, walking down that hall is going to give me a headache every time now…)

      1. TheCrimsonFuckr says:

        I don’t have to take this. I’m going for a walk.
        (No you don’t!)
        Oh what are you gonna do, grab that guy who can stop me….what was his name….Michael Mc.Doesn’texist?

  4. Stuart says:

    Can we get a nice shot of Madison in her catsuit without the sweatshirt…please?

    1. Vampiregod1 says:

      I agree, I want to see her like that too.

      1. ReasonableWeeb says:

        I know for a fact we discussed this last page and the page before that. Please show us catsuit Madison with no sweatshirt :O

  5. Toby says:

    I don’t know what agency they work for, but clearly their hiring policy must be abysmal if Madison got in.