No, this is not typical cis guy behavior. Having sex with a girl and having sex as a girl are very different things. Reply
Can’t overstate how much fun I’m having seeing comments from years and years ago of (potential. Not saying everyone that commented here is, but, well, can’t deny it’s a strong correlation) eggs and people trying to crack them Reply
Yea i’ve been heading back through, since i saw the authors post from earlier this year on deviantart (this one ) and yea its been wild Reply
I’m not sure as to what I’d do. Probably use it as a disguise to get away from people that piss me off Reply
Since nothing is down there and there’s no slit for his dick does that mean he rubs his dick under the body suit?🤔🤔🧐 Reply
Yep I can see that being most guys if they had that chance
No, this is not typical cis guy behavior. Having sex with a girl and having sex as a girl are very different things.
Can’t overstate how much fun I’m having seeing comments from years and years ago of (potential. Not saying everyone that commented here is, but, well, can’t deny it’s a strong correlation) eggs and people trying to crack them
Yea i’ve been heading back through, since i saw the authors post from earlier this year on deviantart (this one ) and yea its been wild
I’m not sure as to what I’d do. Probably use it as a disguise to get away from people that piss me off
Since nothing is down there and there’s no slit for his dick does that mean he rubs his dick under the body suit?🤔🤔🧐