Bodysuit 23 #23

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  1. He Who Abides says:

    Page 23 from deviantart seems to be missing.

  2. Natalie Meyers says:

    These two comic pages & the last one. Peak trans mood.

    1. Architect Ironturtle says:

      Yeah. I’m from the future, where Kevin is about to do a six month stint in the suit to test the long term effects. While people have been going on about a trans awakening, I’ve been trying to moderate their expectations based on the tone of the comic and the author’s stated intentions. I stand thoroughly corrected.

      Cis guys don’t do this, especially not before puberty. If Kevin had this urge as a prepubescent and it persisted into adulthood, then she’s probably trans. I’m speaking as a trans woman who once tried on a bunch of other people’s heels while on an extended journey as a teenager, so I know what I’m talking about.

      Plus, if you go back to pages #16 and #17, Kevin in the suit has a dream about wearing the suit, finding a hot guy, boning him, getting married to him, and having a child with him as a woman. Even if that last part freaked her out, the first half certainly did not. Again, that’s not something that happens to straight people.

      The comic wasn’t a proper story at this point, so everything I’m looking at was likely taken straight from the author’s deepest fantasies. The egg energy is unmistakable.I really hope this new arc helps them figure this all out.

  3. porglezomp says:

    This page seems to be broken, there’s no link to the next page.

    1. Patricia Barton says:

      It’s between the two pages.

  4. Mae says:

    That was very adorable and relatable, until the last page (But I don’t really mind tbh)

  5. Fabian says:

    Thanks, this just broke a script I’m writing! (:

  6. Dawn says:

    ahem… egg

    1. Dawn says:

      Also, way too relatable.

  7. Sarah says:

    Sometimes foreshadowing is relatively obvious